Friday, August 29, 2014

What a Great Week!

Good afternoon, everyone! Today marks the end of our very first week of school. What a week we had! I am so very proud of our new third graders, and enjoy watching them grow more comfortable each day. Our classroom family is working better every day and I look forward to the weeks to come!

This week's activities focused on classroom routines and procedures- practice, practice, practice. We can now complete group and partner work, use personal marker boards, pass out papers, MIRP for 12 minutes straight, and check out classroom library books. WOW! As we become more stable working in groups we can move towards literacy stations. Ask your third grader about all their adventures this week!

A green paper went home today about the BOG Test. (Beginning of Grade) We will have a practice activity next Friday, and give the actual test on September 12. Spend some time talking with your student about this event. Some are nervous, while others don't quite understand what is happening. We will address this in class, but I want everyone to feel as comfortable as possible so we can try our very best. :-) Feel free to ask me any questions you may have!

Overall we had a wonderful first week together and I can't wait to see the growth next week brings. Happy Labor Day weekend, everyone! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

What A Great First Day!

Room 12 had a wonderful first day of school! We toured the school, took a field trip to Mrs. Ebert's room, and watched Mr. McCreary's "Ice Bucket Challenge" on the playground! Students were such troopers and I appreciate their hard work and focus. After a long summer break, it's tough to sit inside for eight hours! I have no doubt that tomorrow will be even better. :-)

Thanks for you support as our classroom family learns to work and play together. Please feel free to contact me at any time with anything you need. See you tomorrow! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Good afternoon, everyone! I am so very excited to have your child in my class this year. Hopefully everyone is planning to come to Oakwood's Open House tonight at 6:00 in the gym. We can meet in person and students can take home their first homework assignment. :-) If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!